St Faith's
St Faith's is one of Cambridge's oldest and most successful preparatory schools.
Educating boys and girls aged 4-13, the school has a forward-thinking approach to education, teaching computer coding and modelling long before these skills became fashionable. Of particular note is their DT department and their remarkable success with Spanish.
For many years, St Faith's had no consistent visual identity, using the shield of the umbrella Foundation yet without a distinctive symbol which reflected its unique spirit and energy. Dowie was engaged to establish a brand to take the school forward.
Following stakeholder research with pupils, parents, staff, alumni and senior schools, Dowie evolved a new brand which drew upon the wyvern emblem within the Foundation crest and utilised the distinctive red and black which the school had long used in its blazers. An antique gold was introduced to visually align St Faith's with its sister school The Leys, while a bold use of flat colour and powerful imagery was applied to reflect the confidence of spirit and freshness inherent in the school.
Work produced:
Branding and logo design
Prospectus pack
Stakeholder research
Open Morning postcards
Photography and art direction
Brand guidelines